Can You Call the Suicide Hotline if You're Not Suicidal

Is it dumb to phone call the Suicide Hotline, if I'm not suicidal? What are the all-time places that i could talk about their fears and feet with someone?

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level ane

Probably call the suicide hotline and ask them. I bet they have a packet of stuff they could send

level 1

The rest pretty much answered it but please remember that in that location's nothing dumb virtually reaching out to another human existence when you're feeling bad. All the best.

level one

Telephone call! They tin direct you to dissimilar types of support lines equally well

level i

I had the aforementioned question......

level 1

Endeavour one of those therapist apps, I saw an ad for talkspace and sounded interesting. Can text directly with a therapist. If not I'm sure they have complimentary hotlines elsewhere.

level ane

kind of an addon to this question, would it exist weird to call them to enquire them questions nigh suicide? Information technology isn't every bit bad anymore just before I was on my meds I had thousands of suicidal thoughts a day (it was literally merely background mental noise) at present it is down to just ane or ii and they aren't potent but... you know information technology all the same feels like that is more is normal.

level 1

The best way to talk about fears and anxiety is going to a psychologist. It's an open space where yous can talk to someone that has all these mental health knowledge and will definitely know how to assist y'all no matter your demands.


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